As you start to walk on the way, the way appears -Rumi
Vilike as on Oy/Ltd. was started at first of June in 2014 by Kirsi Ekberg alone to take forward her thesis software: a digital version of APM-Inventory; motor and perceptual skills assessment method for children at ages 3-6. Founder started the company without knowing that shares can be sold. First customer was UKK-Institute with whom we piloted browser-based software in action during multiple events held for families with young children in 2015-2016. 200+ parents and 10+ daycares did the assessment and collected first set of data.
Then founder found out in practise why Haaga-Helia ICT studies underlined the importance of testing, testing and testing before launching the product. Kirsi had made an integer mistake once defining the input fields; all results had been saved as whole numbers, so no decimals. This meant that first dataset collected was not valid for further sport scientific research. That was THE FAILURE.
Luckily Boost Startup Journey 2016 accelerator introduced Jenni! With her illustration and storywriting skills Vili´s Playbook was born. First chapter, The Active adventure was created around the physically activating content of APM-Inventory and turned physical skills assessment into a playful game in real life! P.S. Next chapter will be Secret´s of the Forest…
Hacking and building new technology become familiar in different challenges with hackathons like Ultrahack, Odyssey and Junction which then brough Sarthak along! In one weekend, we build a working prototype of smart city solution called TrafficAye: real-time emission for data-driven city development. Computer vision also enables tracking the physical movement through a mobile camera which means we could develop APM-Inventory AI and mix it with XR games!
Exciting year of 2020 brough us a chance to take part in HYPE Sports Tech accelerator and grow together as a team. We also started a great collaboration, our beloved #startuptwin. Vili´s Active Adventure will be launched as AI game where Your body is the controller!